Celebrating 2007 Earth Day with Hydrogen Again This Sunday


Now, that the first official Earth Day, the one founded by John McConnell, back in 1970 was celebrated on March 20 this year, it’s time to move on to the next Earth Day, the one that most people celebrate in the U. S. Anyway, Earth Day is a day so nice you’ve got to have it twice.

So, on the season’s second Earth Day more people are celebrating this time around, especially those interested in hydrogen. For instance, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has gotten together with MTV for a special edition of “Pimp My Ride” that will be featured, Sunday, April 22.

The Governor will be showing off his H2H Hummer, with one of the “H’s” standing for hydrogen. Schwarzenegger will also be showing off a Hummer fueled by bio-diesel that smells like French fries. Presumably, the Governor may actually drive his behemoth up to a fast food restaurant and say something like “Filler up with vegetable oil, you girl man.”

Now, there are a few other celebrations going on worth noting. For instance, Penn State University, who has their own hydrogen fueling station, will be hosting three green tours through the Center for Sustainability. West Sacramento will have its Earth Day celebration along the River Walk. Featured will be 40 green exhibits including a few hydrogen fuel cell cars. And, in Milford, Connecticut, their Earth Day celebration will feature several alternative fuel vehicles including a hydrogen car.

So, get out there and plant a tree or pick up a piece of trash and put it into the recyclable bin. If you’re around a hydrogen car be sure to give it a big hug. Mother Earth will be smiling upon you for this.