If you like hydrogen cars (like I do) then you just may want to join in on the California Fuel Cell Partnership’s T-shirt Slogan Contest. The California Fuel Cell Partnership (CaFCP) is a consortium of automotive, energy, fuel cell and government members promoting hydrogen fuel cells as one of the solutions to greenhouse gas emissions, global warming and the dependence on foreign fossil fuels.
Anyway, the Sacramento, CA based CaFCP is holding this contest in order to promote awareness of hydrogen cars. You simply go to their website, choose an illustration that is already there, write a short, catchy hydrogen fuel cell related slogan, input your name and email address. Rinse and repeat as often as you like.
According to the website, “The best submissions will be posted on this page on September 1st. People will have one week to vote for their favorite. The winning idea will be made into a t-shirt that thousands of fuel cell and hydrogen advocates can wear. The winning slogan will receive a fuel cell model kit and a free t-shirt (and bragging rights!).”
If you are scratching your head, wondering what to write, here are my top 15 to get you started:
H2 Skies Blue
Generation H2
Hydrogen Cars, Not Wars
H2 Oh!
Take Hydrogen for a Spin
H2 Is the New Green
Hydrogen, the Carbon Alternative
FCV Okay For Me!
FCV Don’t You Agree?
FCV Deserves R-E-S-P-E-C-T
FCV Been Very, Very Good to Me
FCV 4 U & Me
Okay, I am not making any claims one way or the other about the quality of these slogans. These are just a few options to get your creative juices flowing. Send yours in and check back on September 1, 2009.