Spin on Hydrogen Fueling Station Explosion and Fire

Late last week two Praxair hydrogen tanks at a hydrogen fueling station in Rochester, NY partially exploded and caused a fire. The person closest to the explosion is in the hospital in satisfactory condition and another person was treated for minor ear pain and released. Now, if you’re a hydrogen detractor as they apparently are […]

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Hydrogen Fuel Cells Go Organic

Today I would like to talk about how hydrogen fuel cells are going organic. Specifically I would like to talk about how some hydrogen fuel cells use organic human waste for power and another H2 fuel cell simulates a human organ. I’ve talked about pee-power for hydrogen fuel cells before. The scientists at Heriot-Watt University […]

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CaFCP Outlines the Different Kinds of Hydrogen Fueling Stations

Hydrogen fueling stations have not been standardized yet though there is a push to do so in order that hydrogen cars may start to rollout commercially within the next 5 years. On the California Fuel Cell Partnership (CaFCP) website there are a couple of pages outlining what the current hydrogen fueling stations look like and […]

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Stephen W. Talks about Hydrogen Alternative to Natural Gas Drilling

Recently I’ve been receiving some emails from concerned citizen Stephen W. who lives on top of some of the richest natural gas fields in Pennsylvania. Stephen is concerned about the environmental impact of drilling (contaminated drinking water) and thinks hydrogen may be the answer. After seeing the movie trailers from the documentary Gasland about hydraulic […]

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