Hydrogenics to Add Another Station to European Hydrogen Highway

Hydrogenics is not a new player in the hydrogen field. They have successfully built electrolyzers for years. And over these years, Hydrogenics has improved efficiency, durability and brought down costs of its hydrogen generators. According to Hydrogenics, President and CEO Daryl Wilson, “This latest award will demonstrate a new design for Hydrogenics – our fifth […]

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Fuel Cells 2000 Puts Out Business Case for Fuel Cells

I’ve talked about hydrogen forklifts before as well as palette trucks and other H2 vehicles within a large warehouse setting. I’ve also talked about some of the biggest players who are using these commercial hydrogen vehicles for the benefits of clean indoor air plus their ability to run for hours and short refueling times. This […]

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Zinc Replacing Platinum in Fuel Cells, Lithium in Batteries

Zinc Air, Incorporated out of Montana has licensed the rights for a zinc air fuel cell developed by a retired chemist at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The good news for hydrogen hybrid vehicle makers it that zinc is seen as a replacement for expensive platinum in fuel cells and not so environmentally friendly […]

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ITM Power and Scottish Water Test HFUEL Electrolyzer

ITM Power, maker of low cost electrolyzer units for refueling cars and other applications has teamed up with Scottish Water, one of the largest water companies in the United Kingdom that has a fleet of over 1,500 vehicles. ITM Power will be testing its HFUEL high volume, 5,000 psi transportable hydrogen refueling unit for commercial […]

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Global Observer UAV and Hydrogen Power May Replace Satellites

On August 16, 2010 I had talked about the Global Observer UAV which was built by AeroVironment and being tested at Edwards Air Force Base in California. The Global Observer UAV is a hybrid unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that is powered by both batteries and liquid hydrogen via a small internal combustion engine. The purpose […]

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Hydrogen.gov Shows Government Getting Serious about H2

The Hydrogen.gov website is now up and running. This is good for not only private sector advocates for hydrogen, but it shows that the public sector is getting serious about hydrogen as well. For years, hydrogen advocates like myself have complained that the will of our government seems weak when in comes to developing H2 […]

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Ohio Entrepreneurs Plan to Open Hydrogen Fueling Station

Ohio is no stranger to hydrogen. The hydrogen-powered Buckeye Bullet 2 racecar was built by students and faculty at Ohio State University. In 2007, Wal-Mart had successfully tested hydrogen fuel cell pallet trucks in on of their Ohio stores. And NASA has decided to build a hydrogen fueling station based upon renewable energy at the […]

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MOF Structure Made of Metal Salt Sugar Everclear to Store H2

An accidental discovery by researchers at Northwestern University has led to an MOF (metal-organic framework) that is natural, biodegradable and even edible plus it stores hydrogen. In case you didn’t catch the title, one of the ingredients is Everclear which is a very high proof alcohol (which I once sipped as a teenager). The other […]

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Hydrogen Car Wins Asia Shell EcoMarathon

Students and faculty from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) won the 2010 Asia Shell EcoMarathon with a hydrogen fuel cell car. The car was able to attain approximately 1,400 miles per gallon equivalent to capture the $1,000 USD prize. I’ve talked about the Shell EcoMarathon several times in the past and have been to one […]

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