Nanotechnology Aids Cheap Fuel Cell Development in UK and Iran

Nanotechnology has already helped provide many breakthroughs in all areas of science, technology and engineering. Scientists in the UK and Iran are now using nanotechnology to aid in creating cheaper and more durable fuel cells for cars and production of hydrogen. According to Nanowerk, “…Ulster scientists have found a cheaper solution that could help bring […]

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2011 Serial Production Mercedes B-Class F-Cell Unveiled

Just in time for the Los Angeles Auto Show which opens tomorrow, the first serial production 2011 Mercedes B-Class F-Cell has been unveiled on U. S. soil. Not only have I talked about the Mercedes A-Class and B-Class F-Cell before but I have driven both non-production vehicles as well. Besides the Honda Clarity the Mercedes […]

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McKinsey and Company Says FCVs Are Viable

The consultancy firm McKinsey and Company, sponsored by a group of large automakers and energy companies conducted a study and found that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are viable and needed technology in the field of alternative cars. To be fair, the study also says that Battery Electric Vehicles (BAVs) and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles (PHEVs) also […]

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OriginOil Algae Hydrogen Production Same as Solar

OriginOil has made a breakthrough scaled down system that uses algae to create hydrogen with similar efficiencies to using solar energy. The efficiency of using OriginOil’s Hydrogen Harvester is around 12-percent and solar energy hydrogen systems by comparison offer a wide range of efficiencies between 6 and 20-percent. One of the disadvantages of solar is […]

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