Michigan Gets on the Bus in Building First Public Hydrogen Fueling Station

Back in October 2006, I had talked about how Ford was building a hydrogen fueling station in the Detroit, Michigan area. In fact, GM has one, too along with 3 other companies or government entities such as the EPA. But, these 5 hydrogen fueling stations are all private and not accessible to the public. Well, […]

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Redirect Subsidies for Oil Companies to Build Hydrogen Fueling Stations

Over the years, I’ve talked many times about the cost of building a nationwide hydrogen fueling infrastructure. The critics often throw out a high ball figure of $500 billion in order to replicate the current amount of gasoline dispensing stations nationwide. This is an errant figure meant to scare people about even thinking about putting […]

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Bulk Metallic Glass Nanowires Make Fuel Cells More Efficient

Today the UConn Huskies are getting all the Hoopla for winning the NCAA Basketball Championship beating the Butler Bulldogs quite handily. But, just down the road a spell is something more important, flying under the radar, affecting our energy future. Scientists at Yale have discovered how to make fuel cells more efficient using Bulk Metallic […]

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Mainstream Media Finally Catching Up to Hydrogen Chicken Feathers Story

A year ago I talked about how the University of Delaware was using chicken feathers for the storage of hydrogen gas. The researchers had discovered that the porous material in chicken feathers along with their light weight was a step up from using metal hydride tanks which are heavy or carbon nanotubes which are very […]

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Hyundai Blue2 FCEV Unveiled For Future Drivers

The Hyundai Blue2 fuel cell electric vehicle was unveiled for future drivers recently at the Seoul Motor Show in South Korea. The concept vehicle uses a 90 Kw fuel cell to deliver not only significant power but an 82 mpge fuel efficiency rating. The Hyundai Blue2 is a significant upgrade from their current lineup including […]

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Nanocrystals May Replace Platinum in Fuel Cells

Nanocrystals of Titanium Dioxide (TIO2) plus a solid acid CsHSO4 may one day replace platinum in fuel cells bringing down costs considerably. Now, I’ve talked about platinum in fuel cells many times in the past as one of the contributing factors to driving up costs and stalling the rollout of hydrogen vehicles. Researchers at TU […]

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Tata and MIT Professor to Develop Artificial Leaf for Hydrogen

The Tata Group out of India and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) professor of chemistry Daniel Nocera have signed a deal to develop a commercial version of the artificial leaf to produce hydrogen from sunlight and water. In April 2010, I had talked about the MIT invention to use a solar panel and the M13 […]

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Mercedes-Benz Opens Fuel Cell Production Facility in Canada

Mercedes-Benz has decided to open up a new fuel cell production facility in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Vancouver is the site of one leg of the current British Columbia Hydrogen Highway system. In the future, it is also supposed to be part of the West Coast Hydrogen Highway system that will run all the way […]

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Future Fuel Cells Could be Platinum-Less Against South Africa’s Wishes

South Africa, which is rich in platinum deposits is late to the game in tapping into the fuel cell market. In fact, South Africa has lost a decade in trying to cash into this lucrative market and they are just now realizing this and trying to play catch up. But, it may be too late […]

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