Protein Creates Hydrogen Gas 10 Times Faster Than Nature

Researchers using a protein or enzyme really called a hydrogenase plus a nickel-based catalyst were able to create hydrogen gas 10 times faster than proteins found in natural microbes and 100 times faster than the previous synthetic catalyst record holder. The scientists used nickel which is a much cheaper metal than the norm which is […]

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Duke University Creates Solar to Hydrogen Hybrid System

Duke engineer Nico Hotz believes that rooftop solar panels as they stand now are under-utilized. Hotz proposes a new solar hybrid system that creates hydrogen that can be run through a fuel cell and create electricity any time it is needed. According to Duke University, “Instead of systems based on standard solar panels, Duke engineer […]

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Michael R. Asks Thoughtful Questions about Hydrogen Transportation

I received an email last week from Michael R. who has asked many thought provoking questions regarding emerging hydrogen transportation technology. I thought that rather than trying to answer these questions myself I would put out these questions to the interested hydrogen community to think about. With his permission, here are Michael R.’s questions: I’m […]

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Senator Schumer Wants Tax Credit for Off-Road Fuel Cell Vehicles

U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer has announced a plan to give tax credits not only for hydrogen fuel cell cars and trucks that travel down the highway, but also for other H2 vehicles that are used for industry or for off-road purposes. Right now if you use TurboTax, a tax accountant or even do your […]

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BMW Studies Landfill Gas to Hydrogen for Car Plant

BMW used to manufacture the prototype Hydrogen 7 internal combustion driven car that ran off either liquid H2O or gasoline. BMW has discontinued doing so but has found another way to go eco-friendly. Since 2003, the Spartanburg, South Carolina BMW plant has ported over landfill gas in the form of methane via a 9.5 mile […]

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Shell Ecomarathon Asia Won by Horizon Hydrogen Fuel Cell Car

I’ve talked about the Shell Ecomarathon many times in the past both in the USA and aboard especially in relation to hydrogen cars. In the Shell Ecomarathon Asia that took place this year from July 6 – 9 a couple of universities in Singapore using Horizon hydrogen fuel cells, won the races in their categories. […]

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