SunLine Transit Unveils 7th Generation Fuel Cell in American Fuel Cell Bus

The SunLine Transit company out of Thousand Palms, California yesterday unveiled its 7th generation fuel cell in its production ready American Fuel Cell Bus. In order for the bus to be “Buy America Compliant” 60-percent of its components had to be manufactured within the U. S. This compliancy qualified SunLine for some Federal funding. However, […]

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Australian Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck Gaining Ground

Australia’s RMIT University has created a small-scale replica of the Scania Highline series long haul truck, but this one is operated by remote control and hydrogen fuel cell. The full scale real life diesel version usually travels between the cities of Melbourne and Sydney. According to RMIT, “Professor Aleksandar Subic, Head of the School of […]

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Taiwan Unveils Bio-Hydrogen Microcar and Green Filling Station

On the island of Taiwan in the central city of Taichung, Feng Chia University opened its first renewable energy bio-hydrogen filling station. According to Taiwan Today, “At the opening of the new facility, the university presented its research achievements in using microbial technology to transform agricultural waste biomass into fuel for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. […]

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Hydrogen and Fuel Cells is $5.6 Billion Industry

According to PATH (Partnership for Advancing the Transition to Hydrogen) the worldwide hydrogen and fuel cell industry includes over 20 countries and is worth at least $5.6 billion a year. In addition, the hydrogen and fuel cell industry current accounts for over 40,000 jobs worldwide. By the year 2020, this same industry is expected to […]

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Titanium-Doped Aluminum Breakthrough in Hydrogen Storage and Fuel Cells

There’s been a lot of research in materials sciences in finding cheaper alternatives in which to store hydrogen or use as catalysts for hydrogen reactions. Most of this breakthrough technology perpetually seems to be 10 to 20 years away before commercialization. This is why when I heard about what the researchers at the University of […]

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