Hydrogen Hater Steven Chu Lights Christmas Tree w/ Fuel Cell

The U. S. Department of Energy Secretary Dr. Steven Chu, a Nobel Prize Winner, has on many occasions insinuated that he is a hydrogen hater, by trying to zero out the Federal budget for hydrogen cars. He calls them “impractical” while battery electric cars have gotten his blessing. As early as May 2011, there were […]

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GM and BMW in Talks to Co-Develop Fuel Cell Technology

If you think the price of going green is high, then you should think about the price of developing new green technology. This is why carmakers General Motors and BMW have decided to team up to co-develop new hydrogen fuel cell technology for cars. According to Bloomberg, “Fuel cells generate electricity in the chemical reaction […]

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New Hydrogen Sensors Contribute to Fuel Cell Vehicle Safety

Many people are concerned with the safety of fuel cell vehicles. After all consumers aren’t used to gassing up with hydrogen fuel like they are gasoline and don’t fully know how the safety issues of one fuel compares to another. People in general know that hydrogen is a flammable and combustible gas and even film […]

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