“Energizer Bunny” Fuel Cell Keeps Going and Going …

Researchers at Harvard University have come up with a solid-oxide fuel cell (SOFC) that keeps going even after the hydrogen has run out. The thin-film SOFC uses Vanadium oxide on its anode to generate energy like a fuel cell then store energy like a battery. According to the Harvard Gazette, “The new SOFC uses a […]

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Hysteria over Hydrogen Fueling Station in San Francisco

Well, it’s hard to say that cooler heads are prevailing at the San Francisco International Airport (SFO) in regard to the proposed hydrogen fueling station. The airport director envisions an apocalyptic Armageddon scenario if a mishap were to happen to a fueling station that has not yet been built. According to the Mercury News, “Now […]

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Mercedes-Benz Opens World’s First Automated Fuel Cell Production Facility

The world’s first fuel cell stack for automobiles produced via automation came into being on June 7, 2012. Mark this date in your history books as it will be referred to many times in the future. Mercedes-Benz Canada, located in Burnaby, British Columbia, recently celebrated the opening of their 3,300 square meter automated automotive facility […]

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Toyota and eBay Turning to Stationary Fuel Cells

There is another industry passing up fuel cell cars in regard to commercialization right now. And that industry is large stationary fuel cells to supply main or backup power. Ballard and Bloom Energy are two of the big players selling large stationary fuel cells to corporations such as Toyota and eBay. According to Altenergymag, “Site […]

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Germany Commits to 50 Hydrogen Fueling Stations by 2015

Germany which is already the worldwide frontrunner in hydrogen cars and hydrogen fueling stations has just decided to commit to being even more proactive. Right now, Germany is part of the European Union Hydrogen Highway system and has a reported 41 hydrogen fueling stations, both public and private. The number of public stations however is […]

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H2 Logic Delivers 4th Hydrogen Station in 1 Year

H2 Logic delivered a hydrogen fueling station to Lilleström, Norway and created two records in doing so. The first unofficial record is that H2 Logic is the only company every to put up 4 hydrogen fueling stations in one year. The second record is that H2 Logic’s latest Norwegian station is the first Scandinavian station […]

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