Science-Based Fire Codes Will Lead to More H2 Fueling Stations

Who would have thought that the use of ultra-conservative and overly restrictive fire codes was holding back the building of the hydrogen refueling infrastructure in California? Researchers at the Sandia National Laboratories discovered that by going with science-based, risk-informed fire codes aligned with the U. S. Department of Energy, that hydrogen pumps can be installed […]

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HyperSolar Artificial Photosynthesis Breaking Records

HyperSolar has set record times in producing hydrogen using a submersible artificial photosynthesis device in water. The device uses sunlight only, without any outside power source, in order to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. According to the Wall Street Journal, “HyperSolar, Inc., the developer of a breakthrough technology to produce renewable hydrogen using sunlight […]

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HydrogeNXT’s Next Gen H2 Fueling Station and Smartphone Solution

Houston-based startup company HydrogeNXT is proposing a next generation hydrogen fueling station plus smartphone app that will work together efficiently to fuel up any fuel cell car. According to the press release, “HydrogeNXT‘s fueling solution relies on a patented, app-based reservation system that allows hydrogen customers to locate nearby stations, see how much fuel is […]

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