Iran Researchers Experiment with Hydrogen Cars

Researchers at Amirkabir University of Technology in Tehran, Iran are experimenting with a “chemical car” that runs on a hydrogen liquid chemical carrier. According to, “In order to solve the energy crisis in the future, some of the researchers of Amirkabir University of Technology produced chemical cars with environmentally friendly fuel … “…He added […]

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Shell Opens Hydrogen Fueling Station in Germany

In Hamburg, Germany Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH opened its first CEP approved hydrogen fueling station. The technology for the H2Station was created by H2 Logic. According to H2 Logic, “The fueling station is the first in Germany to obtain a 2014 approval from the Public-Private Clean Energy Partnership (CEP) after extensive third party acceptance and […]

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Halanaerobium Hydrogeninformans Rocks Out H2 Production

Dr. Melanie Mormile, a researchers at Missouri S&T, has discovered that the extreme bacterium halanaerobium hydrogeninformans can produce large amounts of hydrogen under the right conditions. According to Missouri S&T, “Mormile, an expert in the microbial ecology of extreme environments, wasn’t searching for a bacterium that could produce hydrogen. Instead, she first became interested in […]

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