It’s Been a Bad 2 Weeks for Hydrogen Car Critics

Hydrogen car naysayers, negative Nancies, pessimists, critics, skeptics, deniers, detractors, scoffers, whiners, malcontents, complainers, fusspots, gripers, snivelers, squawkers, curmudgeons, sourpusses, party poopers, faultfinders, nitpickers, grinches, killjoys, spoilsports, quibblers and defeatists have had a bad 2 weeks. Toyota and Mercedes-Benz (Daimler) has seen to that. On Wednesday last week (October 25, 2015) Toyota made an historic […]

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How Many World’s 1st Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bikes Have There Been?

A little less than a week ago Linde unveiled their version of the world’s first hydrogen fuel cell bike (H2 Bike pictured above). This unveiling was on the heels of Pragma Industries showing off their world’s first hydrogen bike, the Alpha, on the first week of October. This begs the question of how many world’s […]

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Cowabunga! It’s National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day, October 8th

It’s the 1st ever National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day, October 8th, 2015 – Cowabunga, dudes and dudettes! By unanimous consent of S.Res.217, the U. S. Senate has declared this a day to celebrate hydrogen and fuel cells. Sponsored by Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) this resolution was introduced on July 8, 2015 and was made […]

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Hydrogen Mobility Europe Launches Ambitious Plan

Hydrogen Mobility Europe (H2ME) has launched an ambitious plan to enable the growth of the number of fuel cell vehicles (FCEVs) and hydrogen refueling stations (HRS) throughout Europe. H2ME is based upon four of the other ambitious hydrogen vehicle and infrastructure plans in Europe including UK H2 Mobility, H2 MOBILITY Deutschland, Scandinavian Hydrogen Highway Partnership […]

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